Summer can be a glorious opportunity to indulge in some quality reading time. If you’re lucky enough to go on vacation, packing an unwieldy pile of books (or a fully stocked e-reader) is its own kind of tradition for many people. Aside from discovering new favorites, or revisiting old ones, there are even more incentives to read through programs like summer reading for adults and youth.
It’s joy enough to love a book, but there’s also something truly wonderful about sharing a favorite book or series with others. Back in 2019, a time that almost seems hard to remember now, I asked my colleagues to recommend their favorite under-the-radar reads: books they enjoyed and wanted to talk about, but which seemed to have passed most people by. We know no one can read everything, but these are books we’d like at least a few more people to know about! I recently asked them to do it again and created an updated book list and display to share our picks with you.
We hope that one or more of these books will speak to you and, of course, that you’ll continue to pass them on.
Do you have a favorite read that no one else seems to have found? Share it with us! You can tag us on Instagram or join us at our monthly Library Reads sessions with PSRC. Don’t forget about our book groups, which are a perfect place to talk about your bookish life. Happy reading!