Let me start with a confession: I have never knitted anything. I haven’t even tried to learn to knit or crochet. I once barely managed to sew on a button, but I am definitely not “crafty.” This complete and utter lack of skill, though, does not prevent me from appreciating the beauty, artistry, and effort put into hand-made clothing.
And there is plenty to appreciate right now at the library. We are deep into our 15th year of our Knit for Others program. Once again, the library has been collecting knitted and crocheted winter items, all of them generously donated by the knitters in our community. Strung like colorful garlands between the columns behind the Welcome Desk are clotheslines displaying an amazing collection of hand-knit scarves, hats, mittens, sweaters, afghans, and more.
This event has become a highlight of the holiday season and underscores the creativity and generosity of this community. We have received items from families that craft together, veteran knitters who work on projects throughout the year, and new knitters. The knitted items are displayed until the new year, when they are donated to area organizations for our neighbors in need.
If you would like to participate by knitting something of your own to contribute but are in need of supplies, stop by our Welcome Desk to pick up a free kit containing yarn and some easy knitting patterns. If you need inspiration for a project, please check out our knitting books on the second floor. Completed items can be dropped off at any service desk.
Thanks to everyone who participates in this heartwarming program, and have a happy new year!
(Photo by the author)