Interwoven Stories

An image of one of the embroiderer's work on a slide with the words "Exhibition, Interwoven Stories: Healing with Music"

Exhibit Info

This Exhibition Is No Longer Showing


Interwoven Stories : Healing with Music


March 11 to May 10, 2024


Second Floor Technology Center


What does healing with music mean to you? Guided by local artist Diana Weymar, music lovers in Princeton as well as across the U.S. and Canada embroidered their response to this question as an extension of Princeton University Concerts’ “Healing with Music” series of events that sheds light on music’s profound impact. This installation also includes works by Weymar that were directly inspired by the artists and topics presented by the series.

Interwoven Stories is a community-based narrative stitching project conceived and facilitated by Diana Weymar. Founded in Princeton in 2016, Weymar is the creator and curator of Interwoven Stories and the Tiny Pricks Project. In 2016, she launched Interwoven Stories as part of her residency at the Arts Council of Princeton. The project quickly spanned the globe as more than 400 stitchers from across the United States, Canada, and Syria contributed hand-embroidered “pages” to Interwoven Stories.

You can read the “Healing with Music” embroiderers’ statements and learn more about the “Healing with Music” series as well as the Interwoven Stories project by perusing a binder available at the exhibition. You can also explore and purchase an anthology of Interwoven Stories entries to date at the Arts Council of Princeton.

You can learn more about the Princeton University Concerts’ “Healing with Music” series at their website:

About the Artist

Artist Bio

Diana Weymar is an artist and activist. She grew up in the wilderness of Northern British Columbia, studied creative writing at Princeton University, and worked in film in New York City.

She has worked on projects with Build Peace (in Nicosia, Bogota, Zurich, and Belfast), the Arts Council of Princeton, the Nantucket Atheneum, the W.E.B. Du Bois Center at UMass Amherst, the University of Puget Sound, The Zen Hospice Project (San Francisco), the Peddie School, Open Arts Space (Damascus, Syria), Trans Tipping Point Project (Victoria, BC), New York Textile Month, Textile Arts Center (Brooklyn, NY), The Wing (NYC and SF), and Alison Cornyn’s Incorrigibles project, as well as Syrian journalist and activist Mansour Omari. She is a judge / presenter for All Stitched Up at the University of Puget Sound. She has also curated exhibitions at the Princeton, NJ headquarters of Fortune 500 company, NRG Energy, and exhibits for the Arts Council of Princeton.

Diana is the creator and curator of Interwoven Stories and The Tiny Pricks Project, both of which are open for public participation. Her work has been exhibited and collected in the United States and Canada.

She can be reached at her email address:

Artist Website

Social Media

Instagram for Diana Weymar: @tinypricksproject

Instagram for Princeton University Concerts: @princetonuniversityconcerts

A video tour of the exhibition, made available by Princeton University Concerts:

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