During dark times, it’s helpful to reflect on the people and organizations who provide relief, community and support. It’s hard not to feel overwhelmed by all that is happening in our country, yet it’s vital to remain informed. The library has and will always be an organization that remains focused on providing resources to all members of the public.
Each day that I walk through the doors at 65 Witherspoon, I am assured of certain truths. One is that the people who work here share the belief that what we do matters; it’s a distinct sense of being of service to others. Another truth is that the community members who are present have come to fill a need. The need might be social, task-oriented, work-related or simply to fill an hour between appointments. Whatever it is, is irrelevant. What matters is that we are all aware that we cannot sustain our existence if we move through the world independently. We are all reliant upon each other.
Personally, 2025 has been a rough year. Finding myself in need of housing after a decade of stability has been jarring. Navigating both the standard rental and affordable housing markets has been more challenging than I could have imagined. The inflation of the cost of eggs is nowhere near the inflation of the housing market. Going through this process has made me even more aware of how much we depend upon others. I am grateful for the patience, empathy and understanding of colleagues and friends with whom I can share information as I work my way through life’s obstacles. It makes it very clear that the work that we do matters, even when you don’t think it directly affects you.
As February has reared its head, it is starkly clear that we are facing unprecedented times, for our democracy is in crisis. Despite the trajectory of events, this library is rooted in providing safe spaces, authoritative resources and factual information for every person who walks through our doors. If you are in need, know that we will do our best to help light your path.