Genre: Mystery/Suspense

Black background with a book cover collage and text reading book list: Saige's Picks

Saige’s Picks

Saige enjoys genres of all kinds, but tends to enjoy books with compelling characters especially with a little magic or suspense.

Black background with a book cover collage and text reading Book List: CMAP Library Reads - May

CMAP Library Reads – May

Every month, librarians share books they are excited about with the members of the Center for Modern Aging Princeton.

Black background with a book cover collage and text reading book list: CMAP Library Reads - March

CMAP Library Reads – March

Every month, librarians share books they are excited about with the members of the Center for Modern Aging Princeton.

Black background with a book cover collage and text reading book list: Jordan's Picks

Jordan’s Picks

Jordan has a passion for diverse literary journeys that transcend time and genre boundaries.

Black background with a book cover collage and text reading Book List: Senior Sleuths

Senior Sleuths

Life is exciting and full of surprises for these oldies, be they spies, detectives, or just in the right place at the wrong time.

Black background with a book cover collage and text reading book list: Beach Mysteries

Beach Mysteries

Summer is a perfect time for a chilling mystery. Grab one of these mysteries and thrillers set at the beach.

Black background with a book cover collage and text reading book list: Strange Schools

Strange Schools

Sometimes, education goes beyond reading, writing, and all the rest. These stories for adults feature unusual educational systems.

Black background with a book cover collage and text reading book list: Unreliable Narrators

Unreliable Narrators

Readers often believe that they can trust the narrator, but that’s not always the case.

Black background with a book cover collage and text reading book list: Winter Reads

Winter Reads

Grab a mug of cocoa and settle down with one of these wintry titles.

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