Courageously saying, I do

Are you up for a challenge? Resolutions, vows, declarations abound, year in and year out. The courage to simply do the things you promise to do can elude you for years, or a lifetime. If it were easy to just get on with it, psychologistsself-help books, and bars wouldn’t be thriving. How about we make this the year of doing?

After far too long, I’ve made a conscious decision to tackle every bit of this life and stop letting fear be a deterrent. A friend recently asked if I would join her for a long weekend in London. Casting my fear of flying aside, I said, yes. The plane did not crash. The world moved along, and I got to see the National Portrait Gallery, Big Ben, Notting Hill, and more, all in three days time. And, when Heathrow began cancelling flights due to the unusual snowstorm, panic did not set in. The earth kept spinning, and things worked out.

Tomorrow, I’m confronting an old love head on, and I’ll be singing in front of a group of people. I am scared as you might imagine, but I know that the clock is ticking. I am choosing to embrace it.

We want to know if you’re up for the challenge. Don’t you think it’s time to try on a new hat? What have you been putting off? Time is a slippery creature. Need some guidance? Check out one of these items to get you going: “Making Habits, Breaking Habits: Why we do things, why don’t, and how to make any change stick” by Jeremy Dean“Improv Wisdom: Don’t prepare, just show up” by Patricia Ryan Madson“8 Habits of Love: Open your heart, open your mind” by Ed Bacon. Tell us how you’re saying, I do. 

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