Card benefits

As a library cardholder, you can:
- Borrow items from our print and media collections
- Check out content from our eLibrary, including e-books, downloadable audiobooks, digital magazines, streaming music, movies and television
- Check out our Library of Things collection
- Access our research databases from home
- Receive one-on-one, online homework help and test prep materials through Brainfuse
- Take online courses. Develop marketable skills with LinkedIn Learning or start a new hobby with Creativebug
- Learn a new language with Mango Languages and Muzzy
- Make reservations through our Museum Pass Program, which offers complimentary admission at several cultural institutions and museums
- Borrow a Mac laptop to use within the library
- Receive up to two hours of free parking per day in the Spring Street Garage when you visit the library.
Free and fee-based cards
Free library cards are available to all residents and property owners in the Municipality of Princeton.
Fee-based library cards (reduced fee and full fee) are available for purchase by those who do not qualify for a free card.
All library card applications (new, renewal and lost card replacement) require valid personal identification and proof of eligibility.
Please Note
About Princeton’s ZIP Code
Parts of several other municipalities share a ZIP Code with Princeton. In addition, many area subdivisions outside the Municipality of Princeton include the word ”Princeton” in their names. While we are unable to offer free borrowing privileges to residents of these communities, we can direct you to the public library that serves you.
Free library cards are available to:
- Residents and property owners in the Municipality of Princeton
- Proprietors of a business located in the Municipality of Princeton.
- Individuals residing in temporary housing located in Princeton, arranged through Housing Initiatives of Princeton.
- Staff and students of Princeton Public Schools, Princeton University and Princeton Theological Seminary.
- Staff and members of Institute for Advanced Study.
- Teachers employed in a private school located in the Municipality of Princeton.
- Princeton Public Library volunteers and Friends and Foundation of Princeton Public Library volunteers.
- Literacy New Jersey volunteers and Princeton YWCA ESL teachers and tutors.
- Staff of the Municipality of Princeton.
- Princeton Fire Department paid members and volunteers.
- Princeton First Aid and Rescue Squad career and volunteer staff members.
Reduced-fee library cards are available to individuals who do not qualify for a free library card and who are:
- Senior citizens (age 62 or older): $125/year
- Employees at a business in the Municipality of Princeton: $125/year
- Students attending a private school located in the Municipality of Princeton: $125/year
Full-fee library cards are available to individuals who do not qualify for a free or reduced-fee library card: $35/month; $225/year.
Additional library cards may be purchased for immediate family members residing in the same household as the individual cardholder. $25/per card and will expire when the base card expires. The base card must be either a Non-resident Full Fee card ($225) or a Non-resident Senior card ($125).
Duration of card
- Cards issued to residents and property owners in the Municipality of Princeton are valid for three years.
- Cards issued to Princeton University students are valid until June 30 of their graduation year.
- All other cards are valid for one year or less based on the library card type.
Library cards are issued immediately at the first floor Checkout Desk for those with identification and proof of residence, or other qualifying patron status. Cards are also available online, and applications are processed within three business days.
Lost library card replacement fee: $3
– Fees and eligibilities approved by the Board of Trustees, effective Feb. 1, 2024.
What do I need to bring?
All library card applications (new cards, renewals, and lost-card replacements) require valid personal identification and proof of eligibility for a free or reduced-fee card, detailed below. Contact us at 609-924-9529, ext. 1210, or email circadm@princetonlibrary.org with any questions and we will be happy to assist you.
Personal Identification (one of the following)
- Driver’s license
- State-issued non-driver’s identification
- Passport (U.S. or other country)
- U.S. permanent resident card
- Mercer County ID
- Student ID card from one of the following: Princeton University, Princeton Theological Seminary, Institute for Advanced Study, a public or private school located in the Municipality of Princeton.
If you are a resident of the Municipality of Princeton, in addition to your personal identification, please bring one of the following:
- Driver’s license
- Proof of campus or school housing
- NJ motor vehicle registration
- A check from a local bank with imprinted home address
- Current rental lease
- Receipt or deed with the applicant’s name
- A current utility bill in the applicant’s name
- A current tuition bill
- Dated letter from a social services agency.
If you are a non-resident and qualify for a free or reduced-fee library card, in addition to your personal identification, please bring one of the following:
- Proof of property ownership in the Municipality of Princeton (current tax documentation)
- Proof of ownership of a business or non-profit organization in the Municipality of Princeton (current tax documentation)
- Proof of member of teaching staff in a school in the Municipality of Princeton (current pay stub, valid school ID)
- Proof of employment at a business in the Municipality of Princeton (current pay stub)
For applicants under the age of 18, the following may also be accepted as Personal Identification or Proof of Residency
- A parent or guardian’s valid Princeton Public Library card
- A current report card or ID from a school located in the Municipality of Princeton
- A piece of mail addressed to the minor
- A parent or guardian’s ID
- A valid health insurance card
Not Accepted as Proof
- P.O. box address
- General delivery address
- Business card.
Library Cards and the Environment
Our library card and its key tag are printed on Teslin and laminated with polyester. Teslin substrate is a recyclable plastic material. Teslin grades are manufactured under strict corporate guidelines for environmental compliance and waste minimization.
Environmental Impact
- Non-toxic
- No ozone-depleting constituents
- 65% by weight inorganic filler (silica – derived from sand)
- No cellulose-based material content – does not contribute to forest harvesting
- Currently recycled into general use bulk plastics such as park benches and industrial signs (a class 7 material)
- Safely disposed of in a landfill – will not leach into ground water
- Incinerates in an atmosphere of excess oxygen to yield only water, CO2, energy and a clean ash (from silica filler)
- Fully compliant with 1994 standards of the Coalition of Northeastern Governors’ Model Toxic legislation (CONEG) relative to heavy metal content
- Fully compliant with current ASTM F963-86 standard, Consumer Safety Specification on Toy Safety – no detectable quantities of either antimony or arsenic.
Teslin is a registered trademark of PPG Industries Inc.