This month in a Kirkus Reviews interview, our readers’ services librarian, Kristin Friberg, gives her thoughts about our Princeton-centric corner of the publishing industry. We’re very pleased to see our library’s readers’ advisory services and the broader local reading community recognized as a trend-spotting mecca in one of the premier journals previewing books before their publication. As libraries expand their offerings to downloadable content, the opportunities to read and listen to books continue to grow.
Sharing reading experiences happens regularly in book groups for all ages, both in the library and around town. Princeton Public Library offers book groups and writers’ workshops regularly. For adult programs, check our literary events listings.
Storytimes for kids run almost daily, by age group, and language. Teen clubs discuss books and more. Go Between Club (grades 6-8) meets the second Saturday of every month to discuss books, movies, and movies. To Be Discussed (TBD)( grades 9-12) is a monthly discussion about books, television, movies, music and all things cultural held on the second Thursday every month.
We even have a new class, Book Group Resources at the Library, premiering on Thursday, January 29 at noon in the Princeton Room. Come and hear about book review sources and online databases that will help you choose and research your next book group selection.
On our website, you might want to look at our blog, which regularly features reading-related pieces with insight from staff writers. Staff also regularly make recommendation lists in BiblioCommons, our online catalog. And you, too, can make lists and add comments, ratings and reviews to BiblioCommons if you’re logged into your PPL account.
“Good writing has the power to entrance, inspire and change lives by giving readers opportunities to recognize themselves in books and realize that the world is bigger than any one individual. I know I’m not alone when I say that I’d be lost without a good book,” concludes Friberg. Here’s to tapping into the heady mix of a powerful reading community, curiosity, exploration, and sharing ideas.
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