Lina Girgis

Image of the cover of her thoughts past midnight.


From the author: Lina Girgis is a 23 year old published author and licensed engineer. Lina is a recent honoree graduate from Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA with a Bachelor’s degree in Architectural Engineering, a concentration in Digital Building and a minor in Construction Management. She currently holds an Engineer In Training (E.I.T.) license and is working in the construction field as a Project Manager.

Lina published her first ever book “Her Thoughts Past Midnight” in late December 2021, and ever since her life completely changed. She is now working on writing the second series titled “Her Thoughts of You Never End” and is working to be one of the first independent, Egyptian woman authors to tour around the world performing her poems and sharing her story about crossroads of destinies and pursuing passion versus duty considering traditional cultural influences.

Book: her thoughts past midnight

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