Aarna Vachhrajani

Image of the cover of Udaya Rise of the Sun.


From the author: Aarna Vachhrajani is a fifteen-year-old teenager living in Princeton, New Jersey with
her family. While talking with her friend about stories, the sun shining in the sky despite the chilly weather, an idea formed, and that idea led to Udaya Rise of the Sun. Ever since she could read, a book has always been her constant companion. When other parents set limits for screen time, Aarna’s parents need to set a limit for her reading! If Aarna isn’t curled up with a book, or obsessively browsing Goodreads for a new book to read, she is probably hanging out with her sister and playing with her dog, Mowgli, having fun with friends, playing sports, shopping, or writing her next story. She also really enjoys traveling around the world and eating different foods with her family. Aarna’s debut novel Udaya Rise of the Sun was on the Amazon bestseller list in her category.

Book: Udaya: Rise of the Sun

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