“Miam-miam” is the appreciative exclamation you’ll hear in Paris, as a delicious mouthful of food is consumed. To the American ear it even sounds like “yum, yum.” Dorie Greenspan brings the art and craft of French cooking to life in her books as she shares recipes culled from 16 years of part-time Paris residency. Currently on a whirlwind book tour, Greenspan will be in Princeton to sign her latest, “Baking Chez Moi” at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 2.
Want to try some sophisticated recipes and get insider tips to make you a better baker? Dorie Greenspan translates French tastes, ingredients and measurements into practical home-baking-speak. We hope you can join us for this special event. Meet up near the second floor fireplace area for a cozy early evening author chat. Books will be available for sale and personalizing, just in time for the holiday baking season. Ask about the Top-Secret Mousse or the Golden Caramel Tart. What would Dorie do? We’ll start you out with the easiest way to roll dough from Leite’s Culinaria. What will you create in your kitchen?