Book Lists

Book List Browser

Explore staff-curated book lists for readers of all ages including staff favorites, lists for heritage months, cooking inspiration and more. Filter by age group and genre to find a read that fits your mood or area of interest.

Books for Adults

Pick up a zine log at the library. Read three books from at least three different regions and be entered into a grand prize drawing. Click “Enter” for more information.

Book for Kids

Log reading and activities on your summer reading log. Once completed, return to the library for prizes (while supplies last). Click “Enter” for more information.

Book for Teens

Log reading and activities on your summer reading log. Once completed, return to the library for prizes (while supplies last). Click “Enter” for more information.

PPL BookMatch

Explore staff-curated book lists for readers of all ages including staff favorites, lists for heritage months, cooking inspiration and more. Filter by age group and genre to find a read that fits your mood or area of interest.

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