Bestsellers and award winners, anyone?

Want to get a quick look at what Princeton Public Library has on the shelves from The New York Times bestseller list? How about finding which award-winning movies are available to check out? Here’s an inside tip: our BiblioCommons website shows you the most up-to-date title lists, at your fingertips, just a quick click away.

The Explore tab leads you to recent activity and new titles in our online BiblioCommons catalog, but you may not have noticed Awards and Bestsellers links there, too. 

We cover Indie, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. Select a bestseller list link, filter for the reading audience, and find bestseller titles from our collection.

Explore extensive lists of award-winning books, movies and music as well.

Notice that currently available award-winning and bestselling titles are featured on the right panel of these screens. See? We have the good stuff! Explore.

Photo courtesy of Julie on FLICKR via Creative Commons license.

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