Internet and Computer Use Policy


Public access to the internet is available to all users of the Princeton Public Library on most library-owned computers and via a wireless connection for personal laptops and other wireless devices. The library provides internet access to support and expand the library’s role in providing information and educational resources in many formats. Anyone using library internet access is required to review and agree to the library’s Internet Use Agreement before using the internet at the Princeton Public Library.

The Princeton Public Library extends its privacy and confidentiality policy to all users of the internet. The following principles and user rights as delineated in the American Library Association’s Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks; an Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights are incorporated into this policy.

  • Electronic information, services, and networks provided by libraries should be readily, equally, and equitably accessible to all library users.
  • Libraries and librarians should not deny or limit access to information available via electronic resources because of its controversial content or because of personal beliefs or fear of confrontation.
  • Information retrieved or utilized electronically should be considered constitutionally protected unless determined otherwise by a court with appropriate jurisdiction.
  • Responsibility for a child’s use of the internet rests solely with their parents or legal guardians.

Internet Access

The library provides information in print, digital and other formats. As a matter of policy, the library does not restrict access to any resource on the internet for reasons of content.

Parents or guardians are responsible for information selected and/or accessed by their children via the internet. Because children who use the internet unsupervised may be exposed to inappropriate or disturbing information and images, parents and guardians are encouraged to discuss the use of the internet in relation to family values and boundaries with their children, and to regulate and monitor their children’s use of the internet.

Internet Use Agreement

Anyone making use of the internet via the library network or circulating wireless hotspots is expected to use the internet in a responsible and courteous manner, consistent with the purposes for which it is provided and to follow all rules, regulations and procedures established for its use.

Anyone who accesses the internet via the library’s network or circulating wireless hotspots must:

  • Recognize that public workstations and laptops must be used in a manner that respects the rights of others and therefore should refrain from activity that prevents others from using the internet at the library.
  • Not use the internet for any illegal activity or purpose.
  • Not violate copyright or any other law.
  • Not damage or alter the setup or configuration of the equipment or software used to access the internet.
  • Refrain from the deliberate or reckless propagation of computer worms, malware or viruses.
  • Refrain from the transmission of threatening, harassing, violent, obscene or abusive language or images using the internet, applications or email.

In addition to these specific rules, Guidelines for Use of Public Access Workstations and Mobile Devices govern the use of the internet in the library.

Staff Assistance with the Internet and Technology

Staff may assist library users with use of the internet and library-supplied technology, including suggestions for effective search strategies. In addition, the library offers a comprehensive program of technology-related training in its Technology Center. Library staff may also provide general assistance with personal electronic devices, particularly those that are used to access library-supplied digital content.

Guidelines for Use of Public Access Workstations and Mobile Devices

The library provides public workstations that can be used for internet access or other software applications on a first-come, first-served basis and/or by reservation. These rules govern the use of these shared resources.

  • Cardholders can log onto internet workstations using the barcodes on their library cards. Library visitors may obtain guest passes at the Information and Youth Services Desks. Sessions are one hour and may be renewed based on availability.
  • Users may not alter or attempt to alter the setup or configuration of library computers (including software and peripherals).
  • Users must supply their own electronic storage devices or may purchase these devices at the first floor service desk and assume the risks inherent in saving from a publicly-shared resource/workstation.

Public workstations are available without charge but there is a cost associated with printing.

The workstations in the Youth Services department are reserved for exclusive use by children after school hours and whenever Princeton Public Schools are not in session.

The library is not responsible for any damage done to library users’ disks, data, hardware or software by any virus, malware or other harmful code that may have been contacted on or through library equipment.

Misuse of public workstations, software or the internet will result in the suspension of the privilege to use them.

Wireless Network Access

The Princeton Public Library offers free wireless access for use with personal notebooks, laptops and other mobile devices. These access points are unsecured. Use of this service is governed by the Internet Use Policy.

As with most wireless hotspots, the library’s wireless network is not secure. Any information transmitted to or from the library or library devices can potentially be intercepted by others. The library recommends using appropriate end-to-end encryption (such as TLS/SSL or HTTPS for Web traffic) when transmitting personal information such as any credit card numbers, passwords, personally identifying information or any other sensitive information when using library wireless access.

Library staff can assist users with connecting a personal device to the wireless network but cannot troubleshoot problems related to a specific wireless device or assist in making changes to a device’s network settings and/or hardware configuration. The library cannot guarantee that all devices will work with its wireless access points, nor that there will be wireless internet available where hotspots are in use.

All wireless users should have up-to-date virus protection on their laptop computers and wireless devices. The library cannot be responsible for information that is compromised, or for any damage caused to hardware or software.

All users are expected to use the library’s wireless access in a legal and responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which it is provided.

Use of the Princeton Public Library’s wireless network and its electronic devices are each at the risk of the user. The library disclaims all liability for loss of confidential information or damages.


Violation of the policies and regulations that govern the use of the library’s internet resources may result in suspension or loss of the privilege to use library resources. Illegal activity involving the library’s internet resources will also be subject to prosecution by the appropriate authorities.

The library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from its connections to the internet. The library makes no guarantee, either express or implied, with respect to the quality or content of the information available on the internet. Since not all the information available via the internet is accurate, current or complete, users are encouraged to evaluate the validity of information accessed via the internet.

The library reserves the right to ask users to discontinue the display of information and images that cause a disruption or discomfort to others using the library.

Users are cautioned that, because security in an electronic environment such as the internet cannot be guaranteed, all transactions, files and communication are vulnerable to unauthorized access and use and, therefore, should be considered public.

(Amended by the Board of Trustees, June 17, 2020)