Arab American Heritage for Kids
Explore this selection of books highlighting Arab American experiences and perspectives as well as history, culture, and stories.
Explore this selection of books highlighting Arab American experiences and perspectives as well as history, culture, and stories.
Celebrate AANHPI heritage with this featuring and honoring AANHPI authors, illustrators, characters, culture and heritage.
A selection of books for kids about Black creators and leaders, historical events and movements, and more.
Bodies can do amazing things and come in all shapes, colors and sizes. Read and learn more about wonderful, amazing bodies.
A selection of books & resources for children to learn about and celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Celebrate, read, and learn about Disability Pride in July and all year long with these selections of books for kids.
Books for children all about discovering the joy of nature and cultivating a desire to care for the planet.
Check out these recommended audiobooks for younger children. Perfect for a long car ride!
Great books for children in fifth grade recommended by Princeton Public Library’s Youth Services staff.
Great books for children in fourth grade recommended by Princeton Public Library’s Youth Services staff.
Great books for children in second grade recommended by Princeton Public Library’s Youth Services staff.
Great books for teens in seventh grade recommended by Princeton Public Library’s Youth Services staff.
Great books for children in sixth grade recommended by Princeton Public Library’s Youth Services staff.
Great books for children in third grade recommended by Princeton Public Library’s Youth Services staff.
Recommendations for fun and engaging books for early elementary school-aged children.
Great picture books for preschool and elementary in which hard work, dedication, resilience and a love of learning are encouraged.
Explore titles that highlight the Hispanic/Latinx experience, storytellers and artists, and history and culture.
Celebrate Irish American heritage with books featuring Irish & Irish American characters and settings.
Explore this selection of contemporary stories, historical experiences, and biographies of Jewish Americans.
Katie is fond of contemporary and historical middle grade fiction, YA romances, and fairy tale retellings of all kinds.
Celebrate and explore the history of Pride with a selection of children’s books that highlight LGBTQIA+ experiences and stories.
Lori enjoys character driven stories, uniquely illustrated books, reading cookbooks as novels and just about anything nonfiction.
No matter what genre or format, Martha is drawn to books with quirky, unique and unforgettable characters full of heart.
Titles that can help kids become more in tune with their own mental health and how to best support the mental health of others.
In addition to historical fiction, Mimi enjoys reading across genres, especially any books featuring narwhals.
These stories for the littlest readers will help make saying goodbye a little bit easier.
Books for kids that highlight Muslim American experiences and perspectives as well as history, culture, and stories.
Celebrate and explore books that highlight the Native American experience, storytellers, and history and culture.
A list of recommended books and online resources to inspire families to get outside and explore the natural world.
Hooray for haiku! Stupendous sonnets! Rollicking rhymes! Check out one of the titles below to celebrate poetry.
Great books for babies and toddlers recommended by Princeton Public Library’s Youth Services staff.
Great books for children in first grade recommended by Princeton Public Library’s Youth Services staff.
Great books for children in kindergarten recommended by Princeton Public Library’s Youth Services staff.
Great books for children in preschool recommended by Princeton Public Library’s Youth Services staff.
These books are great for talking with young children about how a character is feeling and showing social-emotional growth.
Stephanie enjoys historical fiction and novels-in-verse, and she can often be found browsing new JU non-fiction.
While never an easy subject, these picture books can help start a conversation with children about death and grief.
Learn about the democratic process of electing new leaders and the history of voting rights in these books and stories.
Wordless picture books can be great literacy tools for language development, oral storytelling, and vocabulary building.
Yllari admires children’s books that foster peace, community spirit, personal growth, environmental awareness and global citizens.
Yun-Yi is unabashedly fond of clever picture books, modern graphic novels, & middle grade/YA books with a mix of social justice.