The program was in three parts:
Part 1: Cindy Taylor, Princeton’s Open Space Manager will speak about her role and Princeton’s current open spaces.
Part 2: A lightning round of speakers will discuss specific open spaces and projects.
Patricia Shanley, PhD, Ridgeview Conservancy, Princeton’s Emerald Necklace
Sophie Glovier, MBA, Author,
Stephen Hiltner, Friends of Herrontown Woods
Jim Waltman, Director The Watershed Institute,
Wendy Mager, President, Friends of Princeton Open Space
Nancy Faherty, D&R Greenway Land Trust
Part 3: Community Questions and Discussion considering questions such as:
Can we connect all of our walkways and bicycle paths to our forests and green spaces?
What is the ‘speed and scale’ of our need to address climate change in our town?
Can our undeveloped lands serve to absorb enough stormwater runoff and capture enough carbon from the atmosphere?
Stewardship: what can we do together?
This event was recorded on May 13, 2023.