Dan Gutman


Dan Gutman was born in a log cabin in Illinois and used to write by candlelight with a piece of chalk on a shovel.

Oh, wait a minute. That was Abraham Lincoln.

Actually, Dan is a children’s book author who has written more than 185 books for kids from kindergarten up to middle school.

For the littlest ones, he writes picture books like “Rappy the Raptor,” about a rapping raptor named Rappy, who raps.

For beginning readers, he writes “My Weird School,” about a group of kids who go to a school in which all the grownups are crazy. Thirty-five million copies have been sold.

For middle-graders, Dan has written “The Homework Machine,” “The Million Dollar Shot,” “The Kid Who Ran For President,” and the 12 book baseball card adventure series, about a boy who has the power to travel back in time using a baseball card like a time machine.

For advanced readers, Dan has written two series, “The Genius Files” and “Flashback Four.” In the former, a pair of twins named Coke and Pepsi McDonald travel cross-country with their parents while a crew of psychotic bad guys are chasing them. In the latter, four kids travel through time with a camera and try to take pictures of events that were never photographed before (Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, the sinking of the Titanic, the destruction of Pompeii, and the Hamilton-Burr duel). “The Genius Files” landed Dan on the New York Times bestseller list.

When he’s not writing books, Dan loves to ride his bike, play pickleball, throw Frisbees, and explore New York City, where he lives with his wife Nina.

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