It’s that time of year: Get in shape! Spend less! Cook more! Sleep better!
Did you make any resolutions for the new year? Or, like me, are you put off by the insistence of headlines around the turn of a new year, such as “The One-Second Workout” and “948 Meaningful Resolutions to Make This Year” or “Create Time with this Magical Resolution”? This bombardment to make sweeping life changes is tempered, a moment later, by the next headline, which informs me that 77% of people don’t keep their resolutions anyway.
So instead, I will be methodical about my resolutions and take time to do research, read books, listen to podcasts about a topic, and ask my friends and family. Maybe I should try meditation, yoga, or nature walks. Should I read more? Listen more? And what if I want to try something new in February or August? All of these are possible. Whether a new year’s resolution works for you or a mid-year resolution sounds better, the library is here for you.
Photo by Tessa Rampersad on Unsplash